Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Winnipeg Jets New Identity

Finally, the Winnipeg Jets have unveiled a new identity. The logos ( done by me, with ideas from N.E.P. ) are an update on the former jets identity. I don't have much to say, except I've got about 5/8 identities complete, so hopefully they'll all be done soon. So comment below, and congrats to the Jets.


  1. Very nice cfish, very nice.

    Anyone else think that we should maybe wait until the MLF offseason to continue this?

  2. Also, I think the colors should be darkened a bit, but that's just me.

  3. I say get the season over with now. No sense delaying it when most likely the same thing will happen again, longer than anticipated break followed by yet another restart and people will all get new identities and such. I'm just afraid that we'll never complete a season if we wait.

  4. I'll try to get things started again asap.
